Reminding Galy What It Feels Like to Live


We were so lucky to meet 14-year-old Galy at the 2015 Aspen Winter Games this year. Galy was diagnosed with a brain tumor, grade II astrocytoma-thalmus when she was 13. We spoke with her nurse, Kathy, about the impact that the Aspen Winter Games had on Galy. Read the incredible story below: 

"In August, 2014,  Galy noticed that she was having trouble writing with her pencil at school. She told her mom and, after several trips to the doctor, finally had an MRI scan. It showed a brain tumor. She and her family were devastated. She had surgery and radiation, but was left with some debilitating seizures during her recovery. She told me that she would cry all the time and ask her mom, “Why me?

"Galy and I talked a lot about running; she told me that prior to her illness, she liked to run and had completed several half marathons. I like to run too, so we chatted a lot about how it feels so exhilarating to complete a race and how running “clears the brain.” When we were at the airport on our return home, Galy told me that she really misses running, but that when she was skiing, she got the same feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. It had been so long since she felt that way; she was so grateful to feel that again."

"Galy had a clinic visit the Monday after we returned from Aspen. Her mom looked at me and said (through a Spanish interpreter), “What have you done to my daughter? She isn’t the same person!” She shared how Galy bounces around the house, smiling and singing. Needless to say, Galy’s mom was thrilled with the change in her daughter. Thank you Shining Stars for reminding Galy what it feels like to live again."

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It is because of donors and supporters like you that we are able to provide these life-changing programs for Galy and children like her. You can give them hope. 

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